‘View Product’ button before ‘Add to Cart’ Add the following code to your functions.php file in order to add the ‘View Product’ button BEFORE the ‘add to cart’ button in WooCommerce shop or archive pages. /** * @snippet Add ‘View Product’ button before...
In order to create an infinite loop on the Post Navigation module, so that your “Previous/Next” buttons continue on after the first/last posts, you can try the following: Upload the Loop Post Navigation Links...
In order to adjust the spacing of where the scroll-to-anchor lands on the page, copy and paste the following script into the Divi theme options (Integration). <script> jQuery(function($) { window.et_pb_smooth_scroll = function( $target, $top_section, speed,...
Go to the following website and customize your spinner: https://icons8.com/preloaders/en/circular Make your height and width: 20×20 Download spinner. Upload spinner to your WordPress Media Library. Add the following code to your functions.php file with the...
Add this code to the text area of your slider: <a class="et_pb_more_button et_pb_button slider_button_style" href="#">BUTTON 1</a> <a class="et_pb_more_button et_pb_button slider_button_style" href="#">BUTTON...