Create custom footer in Divi Library
- Go to Divi Library and click on Add New.
- Name the template and select “Section” for your Template Type.
- Customize the footer section with rows and modules however you like.
Insert your custom footer section into footer.php
- Open your saved footer in the Divi Libary.
- Locate the ID of the template. This will be a series of numbers in your URL right after “post=”. Copy those numbers.
- Now go to Appearance > Editor and locate your footer.php file in your Child Theme.
- Locate this line in footer.php:
<footer id="main-footer">
- Right after that line of code, insert the following:
<?php echo do_shortcode('[et_pb_section global_module="YOUR_CUSTOM_ID_HERE"][/et_pb_section]'); ?>
- Replace YOUR_CUSTOM_ID_HERE with the copied ID from step 2.
- Save your changes in footer.php and you’re all set! Your custom footer should now be injected into every page on your website.