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Create custom footer in Divi Library

  1. Go to Divi Library and click on Add New.
  2. Name the template and select “Section” for your Template Type.
  3. Customize the footer section with rows and modules however you like.

Insert your custom footer section into footer.php

  1. Open your saved footer in the Divi Libary.
  2. Locate the ID of the template. This will be a series of numbers in your URL right after “post=”. Copy those numbers.
  3. Now go to Appearance > Editor and locate your footer.php file in your Child Theme.
  4. Locate this line in footer.php:
<footer id="main-footer">
  1. Right after that line of code, insert the following:
<?php echo do_shortcode('[et_pb_section global_module="YOUR_CUSTOM_ID_HERE"][/et_pb_section]'); ?>
  1. Replace YOUR_CUSTOM_ID_HERE with the copied ID from step 2.
  2. Save your changes in footer.php and you’re all set! Your custom footer should now be injected into every page on your website.